RFQ – Consultant for the Ghana Angel Investor Network (GAIN) Learning Workshop Impact Investing Ghana August 8, 2024

RFQ – Consultant for the Ghana Angel Investor Network (GAIN) Learning Workshop

Project: The goal of the learning workshop is to train emerging angels in Ghana to equip them with tools relevant to their angel investing journey to increase early-growth investing in Ghana. The workshop is to enable Ghanaians who are new to angel investing to understand it, build simple skills in evaluating angel investment opportunities, and have access to simple templates to be able to finalize investments. The workshop should include an introduction to how to create an angel network, which will serve as a precursor for the 2nd part of in-person training on thesubject.

In Ghana, individuals pull together their resources to support entrepreneurs or business ideas and innovations in their social circles, such as churches, old-school associations, investment clubs, and others. The workshop must guide how to become an angel investor and share relevant case studies and tools for angel investing.

1. Training emerging angels in Ghana by providing them with tools to formalize their angel investing.
2. Providing emerging angels with an introduction to how to create an angel network and invest in a network.

1. Develop materials, case studies, and exercises for the workshop.
2. Efficiently train participants to employ relevant tools in their angel investing journey.

3. Provide an introduction to how to create an angel network

The Angel Investor Workshop is scheduled for 11th September 2024.


GAIN was launched in 2011 by the Venture Capital Trust Fund. In 2021, Impact Investing Ghana, the Ghana National Advisory Board for Impact Investing, took over the hosting of the GAIN secretariat. GAIN is the apex body for angel networks in Ghana to support the creation and growth of angel networks. In addition, GAIN brings together a small group of leading angel investors in Ghana to invest in small and growing businesses to test the tools of the network. The members of GAIN are the Accra Angels Network and the Ladies Angel Network. GAIN is a member of the Africa Business Angels Network (ABAN) and a strategic partner of the Africa Angel Academy

Selection Criteria
1. Experience with the creation and running of an angel network (Experience
with similar assignments – 40%)
2. Demonstrated knowledge of angel deal sourcing, due diligence, and
structuring of angel deals. (20%)
3. Technical approach (20%)
4. Competitive price (20%)

Submission Requirements
Training Consultants are required to submit the following;
● Quotation – the bill for the project.

● Past works – Two or more relevant past works for review.

Contact Information
Please direct all responses to this RFQ and/or any questions to: Justina Mensah
0264401578, justina.mensah@impactinvestinggh.org, akua.asare@impactinvestinggh.org
and copy info@impactinvestinggh.org with the subject: CONSULTANT FOR GHANA ANGEL INVESTOR NETWORK (GAIN) WORKSHOP


READ MORE HERE: _RFQ – GAIN Learning Workshop.docx