Our Focus Areas Impact Investing February 8, 2022

Our Focus Areas

Our work contributes to driving SDG attainment, however we have picked three focus areas aligned to the social needs in Ghana and West Africa where we can have the biggest impact.

ESO Forum February 2022-204 (1)


Underemployment and unemployment

By 2045, over 70% of our workforce will either be unemployed or underemployed, if conscious effort is not made to correct the employment gap.  In this scenario, illegal migration will heighten and the high youth unemployment rate will lead to regional instability. IIGh has a focus on driving Impact Investing to catalyze SME growth to deliver sustainable jobs with a focus on sectors with significant job creation potential such as; agriculture & agribusiness, light manufacturing, commerce, ICT, tourism, hospitality, arts & culture. Read more about our work in this area


Inequality Gaps

Inequality gaps in Ghana continue to widen with the average Ghanaian struggling to gain access to basic and essential services. IIGh will focus on; 

  • Health – access and quality of healthcare including COVID-19 infrastructure and preparedness, 
  • education, 
  • financial services, 
  • housing, 
  • water & sanitation 

especially for vulnerable populations such as youth, women, rural dwellers and people living with disabilities.


Climate and Environmental Issues

Securing our water bodies, environment and creating more sustainable cities are urgent as the annual flooding of major cities and water crises show. Issues of urban resilience, renewable energy, waste management, water and other pollution and sustainable local economic development are areas where impact investing can accelerate impact.